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Detailed offer

Power-Plate® - has won several awards:  The 10-Minute Success! 
Power-Plate is suitable for all performance and age groups!

Power plate is not only training but also prevention and therapy! 
Good health is our greatest asset and one should work on it. Do not wait for your body to rebel and alert you to your deficits when it is too late. With Power Plate application you can make a great contribution to your health care. 
"Getting older" is a combination of two factors: the natural aging process and the consequences of hormonal changes. The body invariably changes, even if one is still young and dynamic in spirit. Enjoy with Power Plate your vitality and stay fit and healthy. It is not just about getting old, rather than to reach an old age without being burdened with pain and other limitations. 

Our offer:

Power Plate is suitable for all types of training. The first analysis is done with a personal trainer who then creates with you, your own personal trainings plan. With this plan you can then train independently on the Power Plate.

-Introductory Training: 5 minutes (3 exercises) 
- Personal Training: 20 or 30 minutes  
- Registration:  or 076 463 2411 

The training plan can be adapted to your fitness level at any time such that the fitness training on the Power Plate can lead to an optimal training.

The Power-Plate training is undertaken in comfortable clothing and socks.You do not need shoes. Drink a half hour before training about a pint of water or herbal tea!