"Maximum Trainings success- with minimal time and effort!"
The Power Plate training has evolved in recent years into an established form of training in the leisure, sport performance, health and therapy areas.
The secret of the Power Plate is its function:- multidimensional acceleration activates up to 2,400 muscle contractions per minute. Nearly 100% of the muscles are activated in this way - in particular the deep muscles. To tolerate the intensive vibrations of the Power Plate, the muscles have to do a lot of hard work!
A 10-20 minute fitness unit on the Power Plate corresponds to approximately 90 minutes of normal strength training .
The exercises on the Power Plate are highly intensive and effective, training with a huge coordination load.
There is a clear improvement of the:
- muscle strength
- mobility
- coordination
- posture
It is therefore not surprising that the Power Plate is used by numerous professionals in the „high level sport“ field, and is included internationally as an integral part of the training program. Also in the therapy of various orthopaedic and neurological diseases, the Power Plate training is gaining on importance. The versatility of the Power Plate allows people of all ages and physical performances to achieve effective and time-saving training, with measurable success rates.
You will soon see the positive changes in your body:- muscles and condition are built up, stress and tensions are relieved, concentration and creativity are promoted as well as fatigue and discomfort are banished.